Friday, May 27, 2022

MTsN 1 Bandar Lampung; Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris

Bagian 2

Silahkan tulis soal dan jawaban yang benar di buku tulis, foto lalu kirimkan melalui link yang disediakan klik disini.

Nomor 1. Klik disini 

Q : What sport do they play?

A : They play ....

a. Volley Ball

b. Basket Ball

c. Soccer

d. Golf

Nomor 2. Klik disini

Which statement is not correct?

a.  They are dancing.

b.  They are women.

c.  Everyone wears shoes.

d.  They wear black shoes

Nomor 3. Klik disini

Which statement is not correct?

a.  There is a baby. 

b.  There are some people.

c.  There is a cat.

d.  There is a mango tree.

Nomor 4. Klik disini

What is the first step to do?

a.  add some noodles

b.  add some vegetables

c.  add some seasoning

d.  fry the eggs

Nomor 5. Klik disini

Who are they? 

a.  They are students.

b.  They are football players.

c.  They are university students.

d.  They are workers.

Nomor 6. Klik  disini

Where are they?

They are ... 

a.  in the classroom.

b.  in the school hall.

c.  in the stadium.

d.  in the cinema.

Nomor 7. Klik disini

Which statement is not correct about the class teacher?

a.  She wears glasses.

b. She wears black shoes.

c.  She smiles

d.  She sits in the middle. 

Nomor 8. Klik disini

Where is it? It is .... 

a.  in the market

b.  on the beach

c.  in the stadium

d.  in the park

Nomor 9. Klik disini

What sport are they playing?

They are playing....

a.  Football 

b.  Basketball 

c.  Volleyball 

d.  Baseball 

Nomor 10. Klik disini

What are the students doing? 

They are .... 

a.  Playing volleyball 

b.  Playing badminton 

c.  Praying

d.  Singing 

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