Friday, May 27, 2022

MTsN 1 Bandar Lampung; Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris

Bagian 3

Silahkan tulis soal dan jawaban yang benar di buku tulis, foto lalu kirimkan melalui link yang disediakan klik disini.

Nomor 1. Klik disini 

Q : How many people do you see?

A : There are ... people.

a. four

b. five

c. six

d. seven

Nomor 2. Klik disini

What fruit is in hand?

a.  oranges.

b.  apples.

c.  Rambutans.

d.  avocados

Nomor 3. Klik disini

What item of clothing is it?

a.  shirt. 

b.  t-shirt.

c.  trousers.

d.  socks.

Nomor 4. Klik disini

What is she doing?

a.  She is eating.

b.  She is singing.

c.  She is cooking.

d.  She is dancing

Nomor 5. Klik disini

How many boys are joining the photo session? 

a.  seven

b.  eight

c.  nine

d.  ten

Nomor 6. Klik  disini

How many girls are joinin the photo session?

There are ... 

a.  six

b.  seven

c.  eight

d.  nine

Nomor 7. Klik disini

Which statement is not correct?

a.  They wear uniform.

b.  The girls are sitting.

c.  The boys are standing.

d.  The teacher is sitting in the middle.

Nomor 8. Klik disini

What is the girl doing? 

a.  She is studying.

b.  She is playing with the cat.

c.  She is feeding the cat.

d.  She is calling her friends.

Nomor 9. Klik disini

There are five glasses of coffee.

a.  A

b.  B

c.  C

d.  D

Nomor 10. Klik disini

Where are they?

a.  School yard

b.  Classroom 

c.  Parking area 

d.  Canteen

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