Thursday, May 26, 2022

MTsN 1 Bandar Lampung; Pembelajaran bahasa Inggris

Bagian 1

Silahkan tulis soal dan jawaban yang benar di buku tulis, foto lalu kirimkan melalui link yang disediakan klik disini.

Nomor 1. Klik disini

Q. Where are they?

A. They are ... 

a. in the classroom.

b. in the park. 

c. in the mall.

d. in the zoo.

Nomor 2. Klik disini

The man is ...  the motorcycle.

a. sleeping on

b. jumping to

c. washing

d. painting

Nomor 3. Klik disini

How many people are in the video?

There are ... people in the video.

a. seven

b. right 

c.  nine 

d. ten

Nomor 4. Klik disini

How many white cars do you see in the video? 

a. Two

b. Three

c. Four

d. Five

Nomor 5. Klik disini

Who opens the gate?

a. a boy

b. a girl

c. a woman

d. an old man

Nomor 6. Klik disini

How many people are in the video?

There are ... people in the video.

a. Four

b. Five 

c. Six

d. Seven

Nomor 7. Klik disini 

When does the person take the video?

A. In the morning

B. At 10 o'clock

C. In the afternoon

D. After school 

Nomor 8. Klik disini

How many motorcycle are in the video?

There are... motorcycle in the video.

a. two

b. three

c. four

d. Five

Nomor 9. Klik disini

What is the old man doing?

a. He is walking.

b. He is pushing the baby carriage.

c. He is painting the house.

d. He is washing the 

Nomor 10. Klik disini

How many adult people are in the video?

a. Four 

b. Five 

c. Six 

d. Seven 

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