Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris 7E

1. I eat breakfast every morning.

2. She likes to sit by the window.

3. They drink coffee in the afternoon.

4. He always smiles when he sees his dog.

5. The baby sleeps peacefully in the crib.

6. I wake up early on weekdays.

7. We walk to school together.

8. She runs fast in the race.

9. He jogs in the park every morning.

10. They swim in the pool during summer.

11. She sings beautifully on stage.

12. We talk on the phone every evening.

13. He said, "Take my money, please."

14. I play tennis with my friends on weekends.

15. They play football in the backyard.

16. She loves to play the guitar in her free time.

17. He plays the piano at the concert.

18. The kids play with cats in the garden.

19. He plays the saxophone in the jazz band.

20. They play golf at the country club.

21. I like to play a game of chess after dinner.

22. The baby cries when he's hungry.

23. They laugh at the funny joke.

24. She screamed when she saw the spider.

25. He jumps over the puddle.

26. She rides her bike to the store.

27. He drives to work every day.

28. The artist loves to draw landscapes.

29. She cooks dinner for her family.

30. I sweep the floor every morning.

31. They eat lunch at noon.

32. We sit around the campfire.

33. He drinks tea before bed.

34. She always smiles at strangers.

35. The dog sleeps on the couch.

36. I wake up to the sound of birds.

37. He walks his dog every evening.

38. She runs in the marathon every year.

39. We jog together on Sundays.

40. They swim in the lake during vacation.

41. She sings in the church choir.

42. He talks to his neighbor over the fence.

43. I told him to take my money and leave.

44. She plays tennis at the club every weekend.

45. They play football after school.

46. He plays the guitar in a band.

47. She plays the piano for her students.

48. The children play with cats at the shelter.

49. He plays the saxophone at the concert.

50. They play golf on sunny days.

51. We play a game of cards on Fridays.

52. The baby cries when he wants attention.

53. We laugh at the comedian's jokes.

54. She screams when she's excited.

55. He jumps on the trampoline for fun.

56. She rides the horse at the ranch.

57. He drives a truck for a living.

58. The child draws pictures of animals.

59. She cooks a big meal for the holidays.

60. He sweeps the porch every evening.

61. They eat dinner together every night.

62. We sit on the beach and watch the sunset.

63. He drinks water after his workout.

64. She smiles when she thinks of happy memories.

65. The cat sleeps in the sunbeam.

66. I wake up with the sunrise.

67. He walks through the park every afternoon.

68. She runs to catch the bus.

69. We jog around the neighborhood.

70. They swim in the ocean on vacation.

71. She sings her favorite song in the shower.

72. He talks to his friend on the phone.

73. The thief said, "Take my money and go."

74. She plays tennis with her coach every week.

75. They play football in the rain.

76. He plays the guitar by the campfire.

77. She plays the piano for the school assembly.

78. The kids play with cats in the alley.

79. He plays the saxophone for his girlfriend.

80. They play golf early in the morning.

81. We play a game of Monopoly on Sundays.

82. The baby cries when he's tired.

83. They laugh at the movie.

84. She screams at the haunted house.

85. He jumps into the pool with a splash.

86. She rides the carousel at the fair.

87. He drives a sports car on weekends.

88. The student draws a picture of the sunset.

89. She cooks breakfast for her kids.

90. He sweeps the driveway after mowing the lawn.

91. They eat ice cream on hot days.

92. We sit on the patio and talk.

93. He drinks soda at the party.

94. She smiles at her reflection in the mirror.

95. The puppy sleeps in its bed.

96. I wake up feeling refreshed.

97. He walks to the store every day.

98. She runs five miles every morning.

99. We jog along the riverbank.

100. They swim laps at the gym.

101. She sings a lullaby to her baby.

102. He talks about his plans for the weekend.

103. The cashier said, "Take my money, it's yours."

104. She plays tennis to stay in shape.

105. They play football on the field.

106. He plays the guitar during his free time.

107. She plays the piano at the recital.

108. The children play with cats in the park.

109. He plays the saxophone at the nightclub.

110. They play golf with their colleagues.

111. We play a game of checkers in the evening.

112. The baby cries when his toy is taken away.

113. They laugh at the silly prank.

114. She screams in frustration.

115. He jumps off the diving board.

116. She rides her scooter to school.

117. He drives carefully in the rain.

118. The artist draws a portrait of his friend.

119. She cooks soup on cold days.

120. He sweeps the kitchen floor after dinner.

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