Tuesday, March 26, 2024


A. Comprehension Questions MCQs 

On which day did Pak Iqbal pass away?

A) Sunday

B) Monday

C) Tuesday

D) Wednesday

Who delivered the news about Pak Iqbal's condition to Joko?

A) Pak Sukandi

B) Pak Rahman Harun

C) Tugiyo

D) Ilham

Who led the recitation of Surah Yasin at the funeral home?

A) Pak Makmur

B) Ust. Ismail Zulkarnain

C) Pak Kasimun

D) Pak Aris Rayusman

Where was Pak Iqbal buried?

A) Public Cemetery Park

B) Jl. Drs. Warsito, Telukbetung

C) Jl. Kartini, Bandar Lampung

D) Heroes Cemetery Park

Who announced to send prayers for Pak Iqbal's passing during Dhuhr prayer?

A) Imam

B) Tugiyo

C) Joko

D) Pak Rahman Harun

Who also assisted in the burial procession?

A) Pak Makmur

B) Pak Sukandi

C) Tugiyo

D) Pak Said Karimin


How many days were guests asked to return to the funeral home?

A) 1 day

B) 2 days

C) 3 days

D) 4 days


Who previously served as the head of MTsN 1 Bandar Lampung?

A) Pak Makmur

B) Pak Sukandi

C) Pak Rahman Harun

D) Pak Aris Rayusman


What did Ilham do after placing the body into the grave?

A) Recited prayers

B) Read Surah Yasin

C) Delivered Azan and Qomat

D) Bid farewell

What did the congregation do around 4:30 PM?

A) Dhuhr prayer

B) Dinner

C) Recitation of Surah Yasin, tahlil, and prayers

D) Burial

True or False Statements:

Joko received news about Pak Iqbal through a message from Pak Sukandi.

Pak Iqbal was buried at Heroes Cemetery Park.

Tugiyo did not assist in the burial procession.

Guests were asked to return to the funeral home for two days.

Ust. Ismail Zulkarnain is the leader of Riyadhus Solihin Islamic Boarding School, Bandar Lampung.

Ilham is Pak Iqbal's son.

The congregation was asked to send prayers for Pak Iqbal's passing during Asr prayer.

Pak Sukandi also served as the head of MTsN 1 Bandar Lampung.

Recitation of Surah Yasin, tahlil, and prayers were conducted at the funeral home in the morning.

Pak Rahman Harun led the recitation of Surah Yasin at the funeral home.

Vocabulary Building:

Synonym: grieving

Antonym: rejoicing

Reference: The room was filled with a grieving atmosphere.

Synonym: solemnize

Antonym: entertain

Reference: ...solemnize the atmosphere with the implied peace...

Synonym: reverent

Antonym: careless

Reference: Preparations for bathing the body were carried out reverently.

Synonym: utter

Antonym: withhold

Reference: ...uttered farewell.

Synonym: resilience

Antonym: confusion

Reference: ...everyone present felt empty yet filled with resilience.

Synonym: homage

Antonym: disrespect

Reference: Joko decided to participate in the burial procession as a sign of homage to Pak Iqbal.

Synonym: devout

Antonym: negligent

Reference: ...recitation of Surah Yasin, led by Ust. Ismail Zulkarnain, with devout sincerity.

Synonym: earnest

Antonym: casual

Reference: Joko sat in his school desk earnestly.

Synonym: desolate

Antonym: full

Reference: ...everyone felt desolate yet filled with resilience.

Synonym: convey

Antonym: receive

Reference: ...convey prayers for the passing of Pak Iqbal.


Who received a message from Tugiyo?

When did Joko and Tugiyo visit Pak Iqbal after his chemotherapy?

What did Ilham do after placing the body into the grave?

Where was Pak Iqbal buried?

Why were guests asked to return to the funeral home?

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