Saturday, May 28, 2022

MTsN 1 Bandar Lampung; Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris

Tulislah soal beserta jawaban benar di buku tulis, foto lalu kirimkan melalui link yang disediakan.

Nomor 1. klik disini

Video part A.

a. There is a cup of water in box. 

b. There are two cups of water in box. 

c. There are three cups of water in box. 

d. There are four cups of water in box. 

Nomor 2. klik disini

Video part B.

a. There is a cup of water in box. 

b. There are two cups of water in box. 

c. There are three cups of water in box. 

d. There are four cups of water in box. 

Nomor 3. klik disini

Video part C.

a. There is a cup of water in box. 

b. There are two cups of water in box. 

c. There are three cups of water in box. 

d. There are four cups of water in box. 

Nomor 4. klik disini

Video part D.

a. There is a cup of water in box. 

b. There are two cups of water in box. 

c. There are three cups of water in box. 

d. There are four cups of water in box. 

Nomor 5. klik disini

What animal do you see in the video?

a. a cat

b. a horse

c. a dog

d. a rabbit

Nomor 6. klik disini

Which box has many cups of water? 

a. A. 

b. B. 

Nomor 7. klik disini

Which box is empty? 

a. A. 

b. B. 

Nomor 7. Klik disini

Video part A. 

a. The man is riding a motorbike. 

b. The mice get into the trap. 

c. The man is sweeping the floor. 

d. The woman is trying on a new clothes. 

Nomor 8. Klik disini

Video part B. 

a. The man is riding a motorbike. 

b. The mice get into the trap. 

c. The man is sweeping the floor. 

d. The woman is trying on a new clothes. 

Nomor 9. Klik disini

Video part C. 

a. The man is riding a motorbike. 

b. The mice get into the trap. 

c. The man is sweeping the floor. 

d. The woman is trying on a new clothes. 

Nomor 10. Klik disini

Video part D. 

a. The man is riding a motorbike. 

b. The mice get into the trap. 

c. The man is sweeping the floor. 

d. The woman is trying on a new clothes. 

Nomor 11. Klik disini

They are on the street. 

a. video part A

b. video part B 

c. video part C. 

d. video part D. 

Nomor 12. Klik disini

Video part A. The man wears black shoes. 

a. True

b. False

Nomor 13. Klik disini

Video part B. There are more than two mice.   

a. True

b. False

Nomor 13. Klik disini

Video part D. The dress is green.   

a. True

b. False

Nomor 14. Klik disini

The tree has many fruits. 

a. video part A

b. video part B

Nomor 14. Klik disini

What trees are they?

a. They are coconut tree. 

b. They are mango tree. 

c. They are orange tree

d. They are papaya tree. 

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