Friday, May 27, 2022

MTsN 1 Bandar Lampung; Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris

Bagian 6

Tulis soal dan jawaban yang benar di buku tulis, foto lalu kirimkan melalui link yang disediakan.

Nomor 1  klik disini

video A. 

a. It is a kind of vegetable.

b. They are in the river.

c. They drink.

d. He is a student.

Nomor 2 klik disini

video B. 

a. It is a kind of vegetable.

b. They are in the river.

c. They drink.

d. He is a student.

Nomor 3  klik disini

video C. 

a. It is a kind of vegetable.

b. They are in the river.

c. They drink.

d. He is a student.

Nomor 4  klik disini

video D. 

a. It is a kind of vegetable.

b. They are in the river.

c. They drink.

d. He is a student.

Nomor 5 klik disini

video A

What color is the eggplant? 

It is ... 

a. red

b. white

c. yellow

d. purple

Nomor 6 klik disini

Video B

How many cats are there?

There ... cats.

a. two

b. three

c. four 

d. five

Nomor 7 klik disini

What is the man drinking? 

He is drinking ... 

a. soda

b. coffee

c. tea

d. fresh water

Nomor 8 klik disini

What is the woman drinking? 

He is drinking ... 

a. soda

b. coffee

c. tea

d. fresh water

Nomor 9 klik  disini

which statement is  correct about video D.

a. They wear sun glasses.

b. They swim.

c. They have short hair.

d. They are on the beach

Nomor 10 klik  disini

Which statement is not correct about video B. 

a. There are some cats.

b. The boy wears helmet.

c. The helmet is red.

d. The boy is sleeping

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