Sunday, April 10, 2022

Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 8E 2022 04 11


avi bantu admit teman2nya ya



Assalamualaikum wr.wb. 

while waiting for your friends please answer these questions; 

who sleeps late?

Who wakes up early?

Who cooks? 

Who waters the plants?

Who feeds the cats?

Who takes care of the flower?

who takes care of the the birds?

who washes the dishes?

who washes the clothes?

Who ironed the clothes?


Assalamualaikum wr.wb. 

while waiting for your friends please answer these questions; who sleeps late?

Who wakes up early?

Who cooks? 

Who waters the plants?

Who feeds the cats?

Who takes care of the flower?

who takes care of the the birds?

who washes the dishes?

who washes the clothes?

Who ironed the clothes?

Alvii Fadillah13.14

Who sleeps late? Father

Who gets up early? Mother

Who's cooking? Mother

Who waters the plants? mother

Who feeds the cat? little brother

Who takes care of the flower? mother

Who keeps the birds? There is no

Who does the dishes? Mother

Who does the laundry? Me

Who irons the clothes? me

Fakhira Hana Nisrina13.14

1. Sometimes my mother or my father

2. My mother

3. My mother

4. Me

5. My father

6. Me

7. My father

8. Me or sometimes my mother

9. My maid

10. My maid or sometimes my mother

Keisha Anjani Eka Putri13.14

1. Me

2. My Grandmother

3. My Grandmother and my mom

4. My Grandfather


6. My Grandfather


8. Me, My mother, My Grandmother and my Grandfather

9. My Mother

10. My Grandmother n my Mother

Darrel Naufal Hanif13.20

1. My sister

2. My father

3. My mother

4. My father

5. My mother

6. My father 

8. my father and my mother

9. my father and my mother

10. My father and my mother

Fazlee Mawlaa13.23

1. Me

2. My Grandfather

3. My Mother

4. My Father

5. Me

6. My Grandmother

8. My Father

9. Me

10. Me

LaudzaR Amelia13.24

Who sleeps late? Father

Who gets up early? Mother

Who cooks? Mother

Who Waters the plants? Mother

Who feeds the cats? There is no

Who takes care of the flower? Mother

Who takes care of the birds? Father

Who washes the dishes? Me and mother

Who washes the clothes? Me and mother

Who ironed the clothes? Me and mother

Anoura Anya13.27

1. My Brother

2. My mom

3. My mom

4. Didn’t have a plants

5. Me and my brother

6. Didn’t have a flowers

7. My father

8. My mom and me

9. Ma’am who works at home

10. Ma’am who works at home

Write down, 10 items and their positions. The clock is on the wall. 

The shoes are in the box. 

The laptop is on the bed. 

Alvii Fadillah
The book, on the shelf the flowers, in the garden the clothes, in the wardrobe the broom, in the kitchen the spoon, in the kitchen the mattress, in the bedroom the sofa, in the living room the clock, in the living room the Water,in the swimming pool the Plate, in the table
Anoura Anya
1. The sandals are in the shoe rack 2. The notebook is on the table 3. The pen is on the pencil case 4. The rubbish is under the table 5. The key is on the door 6. The TV is on the wall 7. The shirt is on the cupboard 8. The bed is on the bedroom 9. The pillow is on the bed 10. The whiteboard is on the wall

LaudzaR Amelia
The pen on the table. The pencil on the book. The books in the bag. The shoes on the shelf. The phone on the bed. The bed on the floor. The ruler in the bag. The eraser in the pencil case. The roll on the bed. The fork in the kitchen.
Keisha Anjani Eka Putri
1. Vase on the table 2. Plates on the table 3. Bolster on the bed 4. Books on the table 5. Pen on book 6. Handphone on the bed 7. Pencil case on the table 8. The glass is on the wall 9. Photo frames on the wall 10. Bag on the chair

Salma Mahira
the bag is on the table
Fakhira Hana Nisrina
1. The book is on the table 2. The bag is on the chair 3. The painting is on the wall 4. The broom is on the floor 5. The flowers is in the vase 6. The car is in the garage 7. The spoon is on the plate 8. The chair is living room 9. The office desk is in the office room 10. The ruler is in the pencil case
The books are on the table The pillow is on the bed The shoes are on the floor The carpet is on the floor The chair is on floor The clock is on the wall The food are on the table The clothes are in the wardrobe The photo frame is on the wall The tv is on the wall

Darrel Naufal Hanif
1. The books in the bag 2. The pillow is on the bed 3. The ruler in the bag 4. Bag on the chair 5. Handphone on the bed 6. Pencil case on the table 7. Pen on book 8. Vase on the table 9. The pen is on the table 10. The food are on the table


Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris 8E (Unggul)

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