Monday, March 28, 2022

MTsN 1 Bandar Lampung, Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris 8E; 2022 03 28


Bantu admit teman2 yang mau gabung ya


What did you yesterday? 

What did you yesterday? 

Fazlee Mawlaa14.07

I went to my cousin's wedding

Anoura Anya14.07

Yesterday, i was watching a movie

Fakhira Hana Nisrina14.07

Yesterday i stay at home and play with my cousin

M. Alief Putra Sheraz14.07

Yesterday I go to my cousin house

Surya Farrel14.07

Yesterday I gotong royong at the mosque

tazakka aflaha14.07

Yesterday I play badminton

Nikeisha Adiva14.08

Yesterday I went to my cousin's house

Alvii Fadillah14.08

yesterday, I attended the closing ceremony of the recitation

Nisa Salsabillah14.09

yesterday i reading novel

Rasya Deandra14.09

Yesterday,i go to brother house

Tifa vian14.11

yesterdey i studied for preparation MTQ

Darrel Naufal Hanif14.13

Yesterday, i played basketball


I can .... (verb). 

menunjukkan kebisaan


I can walk. I can not (can't) fly. 

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Mention 5 activities you can do.

Alvii Fadillah14.20

I can cook, i can taekwondo, i can help mom, i can swim, i can sing

LaudzaR Amelia14.22

I can cook,i can cook egg,i can read,i can write,i can i can cook noodle

Fakhira Hana Nisrina14.22

I can play badminton, i can play basketball, i can cook rice, i can cook noodle, i can ride bicycle

tazakka aflaha14.22

I can cook, I can play football, I can play badminton, I can ride bike , I can sweep

Anoura Anya14.22

I can read, i cand cook, i can study, i can swim, i can listen to music

Fazlee Mawlaa14.22

I can cook, i can ride, i can play badminton, i cant draw, i cant run

Nikeisha Adiva14.22

I can read, i can write, i can eat, i can run, i can play basketball

Surya Farrel14.23

I can run, i can sleep, i can play football, i can see, i can eat

M. Alief Putra Sheraz14.23

I can run, I can cook noodle, I can read, I can eat, I can sleep

Azzahra Intan14.24

i can read, i can draw, i can sleep, i watching a movie

Rasya Deandra14.25

I can run, i can swim, i can play football, i can eat, i can draw

Tifa vian14.25

i can cook, i can sing, i can read the al qur'an, wash clothes, i can play badminton

Darrel Naufal Hanif14.26

I can swim, i can play basketball, i can play football, i can draw, i can run

Nabilah Syarifah14.29

i can cook noodle , i can skateboard, i can badminton, I can  read, i can run


Mention 3 things (activities) you can not do

Surya Farrel14.34

I can not play basketball, i can not draw, i can not sing

LaudzaR Amelia14.35

I can not swim, i can not draw, i can not, i can not skateboard

tazakka aflaha14.37

I can not swim, I can not draw, I can not sing

Tifa vian14.37

i can not draw, i can not football, i can not eat shrimp

M. Alief Putra Sheraz14.37

I can not play basketball, I can not swim, I can not fly

Fazlee Mawlaa14.37

I can not swim, i can not sing, i can not play Golf

Anoura Anya14.37

I can't drive a car, i can't play football, i can't fly

Nikeisha Adiva14.37

I can't fly, i can't draw, i can't play baseball

Fakhira Hana Nisrina14.37

I can not play guitar, i can not sing, i can not play roller skate

Alvii Fadillah14.38

I can not play piano, i can not play voli, i can not   fly

Nabilah Syarifah14.38

i can not draw,i can not swim , i can not fly

Darrel Naufal Hanif14.44

I cant play skateboard, i cant ride car, i cant play voli


Mention 3 activities you can do and 2 activities you can not do? 

LaudzaR Amelia14.46

I can cook, i can read, i can cook noodle, i can not swim, i can not draw


I can cook, i can read, i can cook noodle, but i can not swim, i can not draw

Surya Farrel14.47

I can sleep, i can eat, i can see, but i can not dance, i can not parkour

Fakhira Hana Nisrina14.47

I can play badminton, i can play basketball, i can cook noodle, but i can not play guitar, i can not sing

Alvii Fadillah14.47

i can swim, i can sing, i can cook,  but

i can not play piano, i can not play voli

Nikeisha Adiva14.47

I can read, i can run, i can play basketball but i can't fly, i can't play baseball

tazakka aflaha14.47

I can play football,I can badminton, I can cook noodle, but I can not swim ,I can not draw

M. Alief Putra Sheraz14.47

I can run, I can read, I can play football, but I can not swim, I can not draw

Anoura Anya14.47

I can read, i can cook, i can swim but i can't drive a car, i can't fly

LaudzaR Amelia14.48

I can cook, i can read, i can cook noodle, but i can not swim, i can not draw

Tifa vian14.48

i can cook, i can read the al quran, i can play badminton

but i can not draw, i can not play football

Rasya Deandra14.49

I can swim, i can playing game, i can run, but i can not Climbing a tall tree, i can not pull up

Nabilah Syarifah14.50

I can play skateboard, i can play badminton, i can run. 

 but I can't not draw and i can't not fly

Fazlee Mawlaa14.50

I can play football, i can read 

, I can play games, but i can not dance, i can not play guitar

Darrel Naufal Hanif14.52

I can draw, i can write a story, but i cant Drive a car, i cant play piano

Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris 8E (Unggul)

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