Tuesday, March 1, 2022

MTsN 1 Bandar Lampung; Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris 7A 2022 03 02

 MTsN 1 Bandar Lampung; Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris 7A 2022 03 02 




1. F. He doesn't sleep. 

2. T


3. F He is not sitting. He is standing.

4. T. 


there is a charger on the pillow. 


there is a book, earphone and drinking water, handphone,


5. F. The paper is on the bed. 

6. F. The smartphone is on the book. 


7. F. The glasses is on the book. 

8. F The magazine is on the bed.

9. T


10. T

11. T

12. T


13. F the glass is not full. it is empty

14. F

15. T

17. T


17. False, 

19. True


What is your favorite drink? 

hasbi riyadi08.02

Avocado juice

Rafa aditiya08.02

Apel juice

Salsabila aw08.02

Drink boba

Luna Luna08.02

My favorite drink is guava juice

Nadisa Ashakiena08.02

My favorite drink is lychee tea

Kirana Adhisty08.02

My favorite drink is Avocado juice

Aqilah Khairina08.03

My favorite drink is lemon tea

Kailla Garcia08.03

My favorite drink is milk

Rizky Naufal Nur Batubara08.03

My favorite drink is mango juice

Azkia Anjani08.03

My favorite drink is water and avocado juice

hasbi riyadi08.03

Xi boba xin fu tang

M. Adzka AlZahran08.03

What is your favorite drink?  My favorite drink is avocado juice and milk

Nurul Anida08.03

Drink is lecy flut

Salsabila aw08.03

Drink is Mango

Azhima Halini08.03

My favorite drink is orange juice

Kaisar Kennedy08.03

My favorite food is mango juice

Andine aulia08.04

My favorite drink is boba, juice manggo, orange juice

Nurul Anida08.04

My favorit drink is myfluri oreo

Alieftyan Fayyadh Jamaal08.04

my favorite drink is thai tea


f. it is empty. 


Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris 7A (Unggul)

  1. Silahkan kirimkan ss kehadiran disini https://forms.gle/hEnt882BLb9nx8Kf7
  2. Silahkan kirimkan foto kamar disini https://forms.gle/hEnt882BLb9nx8Kf7
  3. Silahkan kerjakan tulis dibuku, foto, lalu kirim; https://www.liveworksheets.com/worksheets/en/English_as_a_Second_Language_(ESL)/Present_Simple/Present_Simple,_affirmative_and_negative_sentences_and_questions_to1253224mh

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