Sunday, February 20, 2022

MTsN 1 Bandar Lampung; Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris 7J 2022 02 21


silahkan jawab: 

What is your name? Where do you live? What did you do yesterday?


silahkan jawab: 

What is your name? Where do you live? What did you do yesterday?

maldo siregar09.01

My name is maldo mario siregar

I live on selat malaka street number 22 panjang 

I'm playing football with my team

Naufal Agil09.01

My Name is Naufal Agil Syafiq, i live in kedaton, bandar lampung, i play football

Rafli Zahir09.01


My name is M.RAFLI ZAHIR PRATAMA,i live in tanjung rame,i play football


My Name is M. Aqso Fatiyan, i live in kedaton, bandar lampung, i play football

Azzahra Putri Damayanti09.03

my name is Azzahra Putri Damayanti , i live in sinar baru, bandar lampung, i'm  playing with my lil sist

Aeesa Rayya09.04

my name is Aeesa Rayya Prameswari I live in kemiling, bandar lampung yesterday swimming with my mother

Annisa Riehany09.05

My name is Annisa Riehany putri,i live in Kemiling bandar Lampung,I like watching movies

Ridho Hanan09.05

My name is m.ridho Hanan Zhafif, i live in Jagabaya 2, bandar Lampung,i'm playing football

Lady Biantara09.05

My name is Divia Lady Biantara,i live in Kemiling,bandar Lampung, i'm cooking with my mother

Lingga Bagas Mahardika09.06

My name is lingga bagas mahardika, i live in bandar lampung, langkapura, my hobby is playing football

Candra tri Anggara09.06

What is your name my Name is Candra tri Anggara, i live jalan in imam bonjol gg satria langkapura  , i play football

Arjuna Fiqihbonaza09.07

My Name is arjuna viky bonzah i live in jalan pemuda gang kuweni kebon sawo bandar Lampung tanjung karang bandar lampung, i play football


Sky or cloud

It is a car

It is a police car.


They are trees. Where are they? they are in front the house.

What do you in front of your house? 

There is a mango tree. 

There is a palm tree.


There is a coconut tree.

There is no tree in front of my house

What do you have in front of your house?

Azzahra Putri Damayanti09.23

there is a sawo tree

Raffi Aditya09.24

There is mango tree

Naufal Agil09.24

There is srikaya tree

Rafli Zahir09.24

Three is a orange tree

Aeesa Rayya09.24

There is no tree in front of my house

Candra tri Anggara09.24

there is manggo tree


There is no tree in front of my house

maldo siregar09.24

There is a starfruit tree

Lingga Bagas Mahardika09.25

there is not tree in front of my house

Annisa Riehany09.25

There is no tree in front of my house


It is a truck.

What color is the truck?

It is white.


Is it raining? Yes, It is.

Is  the truck full? 

Yes it is.


Is the road in good condition?

No it is not. 

Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris 7J


Assalamualaikum wr.wb.

  1. Silahkan kirim ss kehadiran melalui link berikut;
  2. Kerjakan, lalu kirim melalui link yang disediakan;
  3. Kerjakan quiz berikut

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