Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (Worksheet) 2021 01 27

Susunlah Kata-kata dalam setiap nomor menjadi kalimat yang benar. Carilah artinya, berlatihlah membacannya, Gunakan google translate
1. beach. / I / like / the  > I like the beach. > Saya menyukai pantai.
2. beach? / How / was / the
3. crowded. / The / beach / was
4. parties. / I / love / beach
5. apples. / This / box / contains
6. good. / These / apples / taste
7. bed. / Tom / climbed / into
8. bed. / Tom / crawled / into
9. away. / Put / your / books
10. book. / Sign / the / guest
11. book. / This / isn't / my
12. book. / I've / read / that
13. book. / Thanks / for / the
14. book. / I'll / get / the
15. book. / This / is / Tom's
16. book. / That / is / your
17. book. / This / is / your
18. book? / Where / is / the
19. book? / Which / is / your
20. book? / Is / that / your
21. book? / Is / this / your
22. books. / She / has / 2000
23. books. / I / like / comic
24. books. / I / love / comic
25. books. / I / read / comic
26. books. / They / have / few
27. books. / I / bought / many
28. books. / These / are / my
29. books. / Those / are / my
30. books. / I / often / read
31. books? / Where / are / my
32. do. / This / book / will
33. easy. / That / book / is
34. easy. / This / book / was
35. heavy. / This / book / is
36. here. / There's / a / book
37. here. / Your / book / is
38. hers. / This / book / is
39. mine. / This / book / is
40. new. / These / books / are
41. old. / These / books / are
42. small. / That / book / is
43. that? / Whose / book / is
44. theirs. / That / book / is
45. this? / Whose / book / is
46. useful. / This / book / is
47. yours. / This / book / is
48. yours? / Is / this / book
49. bowling? / Do / you / like
50. chair. / I / want / a
51. chair. / Pull / up / a
52. chair. / Give / Tom / a
53. chair. / I / love / that
54. chair. / Tom / grabbed / a
55. chair. / It's / under / the
56. chair. / This / was / Tom's
57. chair. / That's / my / favorite
58. chairs. / I / like / these
59. ugly. / This / chair / is
60. We'll / need / chairs.

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