Monday, February 3, 2020

Where is the tissue?

Kegiatan pembelajaran meliputi penggunakan kata kerja Clean, Put dan Wipe, selain juga dapat digunakan untuk memperkenalkan letak benda (on, in dan under).

I open the tissue.
He opens the tissue.
She opens the tissue.

I put the tissue in the pencil case.
I put the tissue on the table.
I put the tissue under the book.

She puts the tissue in the pocket.
She puts the tissue on the book.
She puts the tissue under the bottle.

He puts the tissue in the backpack.
He puts the tissue on the bottle.
He puts the tissue under the pencil case.

I clean my smartphone with a piece of tissue.
I clean my glasses with a piece of tissue.
I clean my wristwatch with a piece of tissue.

He cleans his smartphone with a piece of tissue.
He cleans his smartphone with a piece of tissue.
He cleans his glasses with a piece of tissue.
He cleans his wristwatch with a piece of tissue.

She cleans her  smartphone with a piece of tissue.
She cleans her smartphone with a piece of tissue.
She cleans her glasses with a piece of tissue.
She cleans her wristwatch with a piece of tissue.

Siswa mendapatkan ekspose tentang penggunaan tissue misal membersihkan (clean), mengelap (wipe) dan menaruh (put).

Siswa mendapatkan ekspose tentang penggunaan kata depan (preposition; on, in dan under).
The tissue is on the bottle.
The tissue is in the pencil case.
The tissue is under the pen.

Siswa diminta menggunakan smartphonenya untuk mengambil 10 foto menggunakan kata kerja dan 10 menunjukkan letak benda. 

Foto dikirim melalui WA group,  menggunakan Web Whatsapp, foto dibuka. Lalu diidentifikasi bersama-sama.

Siswa diberi kesempatan membuat kalimat, siswa mengucapkan kalimat sesuai dengan gambar yang ditayangkan.

Sebagai kegiatan lanjutan siswa diminta bekerja menggunakan Canva, dengan judul , "All about tissue"
1. Tentukan 7 kalimat tentang letak tissue dan 7 kalimat tentang kegiatan menggunakan tissue
2. Buka canva
3. Masukkan foto Kegiatan/letak tissue tersebut.
4. Tambahkan/Masukkan kalimat tentang kegiatan/letak tissue.

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