Thursday, December 13, 2018

Panduan English Calling Program

Hi guys berikut ini adalah panduan English Calling Program; 

  1. Siswa memiliki akun email google (gmail), sehingga siswa secara otomatis memiliki akun youtube. 
  2. Siswa membuat video singkat tentang; 
    • Perkenalan diri "Assalamualaikum wr.wb. Hi, guys my name is ...., I am .... (eleven, twelve, thirteen) years old. I am a student, I go to state Islamic Junior High School one Bandar Lampung, I am in class seven a /ae/. I live in Sukarame. I go to school online transportation service. Thank you. Wassalamualaikum wr.wb."

    • Kegiatan sehari-hari; hari minggu "Assalamualaikum wr.wb. Hi guys, this is Sunday. You know on Sundays, I usually wake up early, because my family usually take me to Pahoman Stadium to have morning walk along the jogging track for about three till five rounds. Then, we have breakfast. My favorit food is chicken porridge. it is in the corner of stadium pahoman parking area. It is so delicious. I love it so much. Thank you. Wassalamualaikum wr.wb."

    • Kegiatan sehari-hari; hari Senin "Assalamualaikum wr.wb. Hi guys, I love Mondays. You know on Mondays, I usually wake up early, because I am going to have flag ceremony at school. We do it every Monday. It takes about 30 minutes. I must join it. During the flag ceremony I must not be noisy.  Thank you. Wassalamualaikum wr.wb."

    • Sekolah; "Assalamualaikum wr.wb. Hi guys, I am going to tell you about my school. It is located in Pahoman; Enggal. The complete address is KH Ahmad Dahlan street number twenty eight pahoman Bandar lampung, the zipcode is three five two one three, my school has twenty eight classrooms; My class advisor is .... and my school headmaster is .... Thank you. Wassalamualaikum wr.wb."

    • Kelas; my class room is in the second floor. There are thirty two students in my class. Among the equipment in my classroom are Air conditioner; water dispenser; LCD projector; everyone in the class has a locker. Thank you. Wassalamualaikum wr.wb."

    • Friends; I have...close friends. They are A. B and C. They are about the same age with me. They live in Bandar lampung. A lives in..., B lives  in... and c lives in... Some times we....together.

  1. Siswa mengupload ke akun youtube klik disini  untuk melihat cara upload video ke youtube menggunakan smartphone. 
  2. Siswa mengisi formulir pengumpulan tugas.
  3. Silahkan lengkapi formulir berikut ini 
  4. Waktu mengerjakan 10 Juni s.d. 10 Juli 2019
    • contoh 1

Good...(morning, afternoon, evening) Sir! My name is ... I am a student of class ONE A, I am going to fulfill my English calling program.
Good…. Please go on. What are you going to talk about?
I am going to introduce my self… name is….
How old are you?
I am … years old.
Where do you live?
I live in….
 Ok. thank you for calling, see next time. 

    • contoh 2

Good...(morning, afternoon, evening) Sir! My name is ... I am a student of class ONE A, I am going to fulfill my English calling program.
Good…. Please go on. What are you going to talk about?
I am going to tell you about my activities on Sunday.
Ok that sounds good, please go on.
On Sundays I usually….
Do you watch cartoon?  
What cartoon movies do you like watching?
Ok, thank you for calling, have a nice day. Thank you.

Good...(morning, afternoon, evening) Sir! My name is ... I am a student of class ONE A, I am going to fulfill my English calling program.
Good…. Please go on. What are you going to talk about?
I am going to tell you about public place in Bandar Lampung.
Ok that sounds good, please go on.
One of public place in Bandar Lampung is Taman Gajah. It is new. We can do many activities there, we can play basketball, walk around, take pictures and so on. People usually go there in the morning or in the afternoon.  
Ok, thank you for calling, have a nice day. Thank you.

Good...(morning, afternoon, evening) Sir! My name is ... I am a student of class ONE A, I am going to fulfill my English calling program.
Good…. Please go on. What are you going to talk about?
I am going to tell you about public place in Bandar Lampung.
Ok that sounds good, please go on.
One of public place in Bandar Lampung is Pahoman Sport Stadium. It is nice place to do sport. We can do many activities there, we can play football, walk around, take pictures and so on. People usually go there in the morning or in the afternoon.  
Ok, thank you for calling, have a nice day. Thank you.

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